To Let

Property Details

1,430 - 5,200 Sq Ft
  • Ref: 0010
  • Type: Industrial / Warehouses
  • Availability: To Let

Property Summary

Business Units for Storage or Light Industrial Use
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Property Features

  • 1,430 sq ft - 5,200 sq ft
  • Available Separately or Combined
  • Part Newly Refurbished

Full Details

Prospect Way lies off Wash Road, Hutton forming part of the established Hutton Industrial Estate. The estate lies on the outskirts of Shenfield.
The A12 is easily accessed being only a few minutes' drive away. Shenfield and Brentwood town centres are both within easy reach together with their mainline stations to London (Liverpool Street) and shopping facilities.

The property comprises 3 adjoining terraced industrial /storage units each of steel portal frame construction with brick and profile cladding to the external elevations. Each unit has a small office area a WC's. There is gas heating and three phase power. Unit 5 has additional mezzanine storage.

The units can be taken individually or combined with the following floor areas measured on a GIA basis:

Unit 3 - 1,430 sq.ft (132.85 sqm)
Unit 4 - 1,902 sq.ft (176.70 sqm)
Unit 5 - 1,868 sq.ft (173.54 sqm)

Total - 5,200 sq.ft (483.10 sqm)

The units are to be offered on new full repairing and insuring leases on terms to be agreed.

Upon application. Rents quoted are per annum exclusive of service charge, rates, utilities, building insurance and VAT. Rent is payable quarterly in advance on the usual quarter days.

Business Rates
The property is currently rated as a whole with a rateable value of £42,500 giving a current rates payable for 2024/25 of approx. £21,200

Service Charge
An estate service charge is applicable. Further details available.

The property use falls within Class B1, B2 & B8 and potentially Class (g)

Energy Performance Rating

Value Added Tax
VAT is not applicable.

Legal Costs
Each party to bear their own legal costs

Further Information & Viewings
MJM Property Consultants
Mark Mannering